Battersea Alliance (also known as The Alliance or The Alliance BLSW11) is a partnership of six voluntary sector organisations working to create investment in Battersea that builds a long-lasting community, where people feel they belong and can access opportunities to live their best lives.
The organisations that make-up the Alliance are: Big Local SW11, Providence House, St Peter’s Church, Katherine Low Settlement, Carney’s’ Community & Caius House.
When people are feel isolated and lonely this can often take a toll on their wellbeing and mental health. In turn this can impact negatively on how people live their lives and lead to longer-term health conditions.
The Battersea Alliance want to work with local partners to create a multimillion pound Battersea Community Investment Fund. The Alliance currently works with Battersea-based organisations in the community voluntary sector under the umbrella of Battersea Together.
This will fund will be designed to support local community organisations and projects that focus their work on improving outcomes and the lives of the people of Battersea over the next 10 years.
The focus of the Alliance’s work will be creating a community where people feel they belong with them aim of improving the physical and mental health of everyone in Battersea.
The Alliance will continue the work of the Big Local SW11 started in the community as BLSW11 were funded for 10 years and that time comes to an end in 2025.