We are funding a new wellbeing programme in Battersea as part of our Small Grant for 2018 to tackle youth violence in our area.
This workshop starting in October Half term is to address the rise in youth violence and youth fatalities impacting on youth mental health within the BLSW11. This will be 5 days of music and wellbeing programme targeting young people who are at risk of youth violence. We propose to use a combination of an enticing music course and the IHEART wellbeing programme that is currently undergoing extensive research where preliminary find-ings are showing it to be extremely impactful.
The programme has been carefully planned in both the delivery method and the team who have been selected for their expertise in working with young people at risk of youth violence and/or their training in the 3 Principles understanding or their music skill base. The chosen method is the IHEART (iheartprinciples.com) programme which de-rives from the 3 Principles Understanding. It has been delivered across London with great results. It is accessible to young people because it is a wellbeing programme that is not based on intellectual ability, nor is it a counselling type programme.
This enticing music and wellbeing programme is an opportunity that tackles two are-as: challenging youth violence and raising awareness of inner wellbeing.
What makes this different is the innovative nature and the sustainability beyond the programme.
Behavioural Change
* Improved understanding of the negative portrayal of drill music
* Compilation of positive music tracks
* Increased resilience
* Improved self-confidence to overcome challenges Improvement in managing “dif-ficult” situations
* Improved self-esteem – increased view of wellbeing
* Improved capacity to manage low moods
* Improved concentration and motivation
* Improved communication & conflict resolution skills
* Improved relationships with peers, teachers & family member
Societal Change
* Greater connection within the community and local youth facilities
* Greater respect for difference and diversity
* Greater adaptability to change
* Greater likelihood to make healthier life choices
* Greater sense of hope and capacity to cope
* Decrease in addictive, compulsive & destructive behaviours
* Decrease in stress and anxiety
Time Table
Recruitment September 2018
Programme delivery October half term 2018
Optional 1 to 1 sessions for participants from November 2018 to March 2019
Participant progress tracking bi-monthly from November 2018 to March 2019.
End of project evaluation and final report end of March 2019