Appendix 1: Intergenerational Work and Our Strategy
This commission has been produced by the BLSW11 Intergenerational Committee – Wendy Speck (Chair), Marlene Price, Donna Barham and Senia Dedic.
During its preparation the Committee considered how this work and any resulting new BLSW11 funded initiatives could work to help deliver our three year plan and budget 2019-21.
In this regard the following issues were discussed in the expectations that they might influence the final recommendations to the Partnership Committee.
Focus: Isolation, Mental Health (Anxiety and Depression)
Approach: Community Development: Youth driven and mobilising volunteers
Time scale: Three Years
Budget: Initially £10k a year but will seek leveraged funding from partners and may request BLSW11 to vie funds from under spend.
Intergenerational work: While we want to build on what went before we do not want to be distracted by the ‘language’ of intergenerational work.
We are aware that there many different approaches to tacking isolation and mental health issues, some intergenerational, some cross-generational; some that may focus on older people, others that might direct energy towards isolated single parents and/or disabled people.
An ideal scenario would see more members of our local community becoming involved in projects and programmes that address isolation, and mental health issues in our patch. |