Big Local SW11 Alliance Covid-19 Community Support Fund – Relaunched!

Our Covid-19 fund, launched on the 2nd April 2020, was aimed to support local organisations operating on the frontline to assist the vulnerable in our community

To date we have had 26 applications and approved 19 projects totalling £56,000 and estimate that 300 people/families, supported by around 70 volunteers, have directly benefitted from our funding!

After initially wanting a prompt response to the Covid-19 crisis, and assessing applications on a first come, case by case basis, the BLSW11 Partnership has reviewed the process, determined to use our remaining fund  where it can be most effective.

With around £44,000 remaining we would again invite organisations to apply for funding for projects that aim to support the most vulnerable with a better defined criteria of eligibility, to reflect our learning from phase1.

The new Covid-19 Application Form can be downloaded here

Click here to see some of the projects we have already supported

If you have any questions about the Fund please contact us at [email protected]


Big Local SW11 and Battersea Alliance are all about strengthening our community by local residents and organisations working together to decide and create what we want for Battersea.