We are delighted to invite you to the second Battersea Together workshop, to be held on the 23rd February 2017, from 1–4pm, York Gardens Library.
A buffet lunch will be provided from 1pm and the meeting will start shortly afterwards.
Last year our first Battersea Together event, which was attended by 44 people from 35 organisations, identified the following key themes that may prevent people from reaching their potential and/or from becoming active in our communities:
- Health and Wellbeing (particularly mental health)
- Lack of a voice
- Low confidence
- Housing issues
We’ve understood more of these issues through the work of the Big Local SW11 and now the next step is to explore opportunities for collaborative action! What needs to be done? Who wants to be involved? How can we together make a difference?
We very much look forward to meeting with you on the 23rd!
Please confirm your attendance by email to [email protected] – deadline is 16th February 2017 (so that we can arrange lunch).
Stephen Holsgrove (Chair, Big Local SW11)
Big Local SW11 is an independent, resident led group that has secured funding to invest in projects that improve opportunities for local people and strengthen our community.