Battersea Odyssey
15th-17th May 2015
Katherine Low Settlement
Battersea High Street, SW11 3HP

To belong to a place you got to understand it, live it, breathe it
Big Local SW11 is proud to introduce you to this fantastic project and invite you to the show that will happen next month at the Katherine Low Settlement, 108 Battersea High Street, Sw11. This project was one of our small grant winner this year. This is what Emma Faulkner, the Lightbox Director, said about the project last year:
The show is now ready to be discovered in next month for the Wandsworth art festival.
Come with us on an interactive journey that will take you all around the Katherine Low Settlement, but miles beyond. Immerse yourself in real stories of Battersea life…..and maybe share your own!
Battersea Odyssey is Lightbox’s newest work which has been created specifically for the Wandsworth Arts Festival.
Through eighteen months of workshops and interviews, Lightbox has uncovered hundreds of untold stories of life in Battersea during our Battersea Stories outreach project. These accounts which span the last century will be woven together and presented, verbatim, by actors located all over the quirky and historic building of Katherine Low Settlement.
To book tickets:
book online at
or call box office on 020 7978 7040
With thanks to: