We have come up with a rough timetable for Battersea Charities Week that we’d like to share with you! All opportunities to get to know each other and learn from each other
Monday 24th June: PARTNERSHIPS DAY – an evening event will launch Battersea Charities Week including speed dating, developing solutions to local issues and a sharing of community resources noticeboard.
Tuesday 25th June: VOLUNTEERING DAY – a morning event to learn more about the value of volunteers, get better at recruitment, supporting & motivating volunteers, skills-based volunteers and more.
Wednesday 26th June: FUNDING DAY – Meet the Funders event in the morning with 8 local funders. 2 workshops in the afternoon on ‘Bid Writing’ and ‘I’ve got the money, now what?’ (exploring contracts, monitoring and evaluation and reporting back to funders)
Thursday 27th June: EFFECTIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY – have breakfast with local Trustees to find out what it’s really like; learn by taking part in a role play Board meeting; explore governance for faith groups.
Friday 28th June: COMMUNICATIONS: ‘Communications on a shoe string’ with a workshop on creating video content/social media as well as a workshop on campaigning on the issues that matter most to you.
Saturday 29th June: FESTIVAL DAY – yes it’s the Falcon Road Festival. Time to celebrate! As well as our popular stalls we will also host a networking social event to celebrate the end of our week and get to know each other over a beer or coke!
Please note that we are still finalising arrangements so they are subject to change.