Do you have the time and the gifts to represent this community?
Big Local SW11 is looking for 12 people to sit on the Partnership Executive Committee to oversee our Big Local SW11 Plan.
For the past 2 years, 16 dedicated volunteers have given their time to sit on the Core Planning Group, lead the consultations, organise the events and get us to this point. Some of these people will be standing for re-election, but there is also an opportunity NOW for others to offer their services.
How? By submitting your nomination, whether of yourself or someone else, by email to [email protected] by Thursday 19th June 2014. If nominating someone else you must get their permission to stand. On receipt of a nomination, [email protected] will request Nominees to submit a photograph and 100 word description of why they should be considered for election. This information will be posted on the website and also on display at the Annual Event. Any current members of Core Planning Group seeking re-election will need to be nominated or volunteer.
When can people vote? At our BigLocalSW11 Annual Event on Thursday 26th June at York Gardens between 4 – 7pm, or via email by 12 noon on 26th June to [email protected] . Ballot papers will be available online at .
Who is eligible to stand and to vote? All those resident in BLSW11 area or working or volunteering full-time in the area.
What is the purpose of the Partnership Executive Committee? To oversee the BigLocal SW11 Plan for spending £1million and its delivery; to arrange all necessary events and administration to support this; to be answerable to BigLocal Residents and to the Local Trust. Partnership Committee members stand for a 2 year period of service.
What positions are needed for the Partnership Executive Committee?
Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer/Finance Officer, Secretary/Administrator, Communications, Marketing, Sustainability, Vision Leader for Achieving and Potential, for Safety and Well-being, for Influence and Ownership, for Community and Belonging. See website for more details. These roles will be selected after the election of the Partnership Committee.
What sort of skills are needed? Do you have any of these? Passion for change in the community/administration skills/ creativity/ financial understanding / event planning/ community development / marketing or publicity skills? Then maybe we need you to join us!
What sort of commitment is required for the Partnership Committee?
This is a serious commitment. There are likely to be meetings once a month, and there may be occasional sub committees to attend, and some duties according to your role on the Partnership Committee. Time commitment is likely to be in the region of between 15-20 hours per month.