Covid-19 Battersea Fights Back !

Covid-19: Battersea fights Back!

The BLSW11 Alliance Covid-19 Community Support Fund was launched in April 2020 with a focus on supporting local (Battersea) organisations in response to the pandemic, so that they might be better placed to provide help to some of the most vulnerable residents in our community.

As of January 2021 we have received 36 applications and funded 22 projects.

The Application Form and Case Studies of funded Projects can be found at:

Regular food deliveries to over
450 families
Support for 90+ volunteers
PPEequipment for 100+
Online access to support
services for 30 families and 40
young people
£12000 worth of equipment
120 young people benefiting
Increased knowledge and awareness
of resources/support available for
people that live in Battersea
Relief from anxiety for up to 300
Increased confidence for up to 60
young people
Enhanced knowledge and use of
social media for over 100 people
Increase in volunteering
The people and communities of Battersea have shown remarkable fortitude and
compassion during the Covid crisis, with massive increases in volunteering and many organisations and individuals working to support the most vulnerable.
The BLSW11 Alliance has played a role in providing financial assistance to front line organisations, residents associations, charities and community groups, so that they are better placed to be able to respond. As a result more families have benefitted from food deliveries, contact time, online support and a range of services that hopefully will enable them to withstand these most challenging circumstances.With the new lock down in place, the BLSW11 Alliance will redouble its efforts to identify and provide support for the most vulnerable in Battersea.Supported ProjectsWorld Heart Beat, Islamic Culture and Education Centre, St. John Bosco College, Sentalk, Falcon Estate Residents Association, Kambala Residents Association, Ethelburga Community Residents Association, Waste Not Want Not, Urban Studio Sessions, Providence House, JCT Management Ltd, Wandsworth Community Transport, Battersea Befriending Network, Battersea Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group, Sacred Heart RCSchool, St Mary’s Primary School, Eritrean Muslim Community Association, Age UK  Wandsworth, Junction Elite, Methodist Homes, (Ash Court), Paul’s Cancer Care, Carney’s Community

 “The online lessons have been really great. It has helped my kids not to forget what they were taught before the lockdown, considering they are quite new to playing musical instruments. They are getting better and gaining more knowledge. They are really enjoying the lessons.”

 “The biggest success story was a family whose dad was in intensive care at Kingston Hospital, we were supporting his wife and kids during the ordeal. Last week he was discharged”.

 “By enabling us to purchase laptops, The Covid-19 Community Support Fund enabled young people to continue with their education.”

 “Since receiving our grant from the Big Local SW11 Alliance we have been able to rapidly change the delivery of our services and digitalise our offer. We have been able to continue to support existing registered children and their families and meet the growing demand”

  “As a result of your support we have been delivering bespoke food packs to varied residents that live alone isolated, with underlying health problems and unable to afford food or struggling to make ends meet.”

 “As a result of support from this fund Providence House has been able to create and produce 4 youth and community radio shows. The shows have been a continuation of a creative arts project working with local young people to develop their talents and skills and to have a public platform to showcase these.”

 “Perhaps the most encouraging feedback we have had was when one of our new befriendees, a woman in her 60s, said she had benefited so much from the relationship with her befriender in particular as a boost to her self-confidence ? that she wished to train as a befriender herself, so that she could have a similar effect.”

  “This funding helped us to continue and increase our delivery service for vulnerable individuals or those self isolating due to COVID-19. We made deliveries to around 15-25 people per day, 4 days a week.”

 “I am writing on behalf of the residents at Ash Court to thank you so much for the money you gave us for our garden. With the kind of year we have all had this gift means so much to us.”


Big Local SW11 and Battersea Alliance are all about strengthening our community by local residents and organisations working together to decide and create what we want for Battersea.